A Branch is the best way of business, in cases where foreing company want start bussiness in Slovakia. Branch formation is usually an adequate vehicle for smaller projects in Slovakia. Formation and closure of the branch is much easier than in a separate company.
Main feature of Branch office is that parent company is fully liable for the branches liabilities.
Our company will ensure the formation of branch office for your successful start up in business.
We will consult with you your requirements for setting up a branch, prepare all necessary documents for establishing of a branch and registrate your company at Business Register, Trade Register and the Tax Office to the payment of income tax.
Founded after the signing of the documents after the creation generally takes 10-14 working days.
In this price you get full service, you come only to sign prepared documents and we do all other necessary operations.
Price for the establishment of the Branch in Slovakia includes the registration fee to the Business Register. If you choice to bring classical form to Business register yourselves, you only pay for this fee € 300!
Other expenses consist only of administrative fees for issuing trade licenses (€ 0 for every free trade license, 7.5€ for every craft professions licence) and verification of signatures and attachments check fees (€ 15 for a company with one shareholder and director).
Requirements for Branch on Slovakia ("o.z." or "organizačná zložka") formation:
There is no capital required for formation of Branch.
Director of Slovak Branch can also be a foreigner. Managing Director must be citizen of EU or OECD.
Founder of Branch is usually foreign company from EU.
Directors can be people with entries in the criminal record but managing directors have to have pure extract from the criminal records from country of his permanent residents.
Slovak Limited company Formation:
Registered office:
Changes in Companies: